Randall Edwards

Randall Edwards

I’m Randall Edwards, and I’m an environmentalist. I've started the Garage Fix blog to share all about garbage disposing of, choosing the best appliances, and much more. Stay connected for latest news.

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Randall Edwards

Why Is Litter Bad? - The Causes & Prevention

Anything that ends up outside of a container or landfill is considered litter. Garbage is not usually placed in garbage cans. You could come across beverage cans, candy wrappers, and cigarette butts while walking on a sidewalk: local, state, national parks, and parking lots.

Randall Edwards

Raccoon In A Trash Can - 5 Ways To Defeat

Raccoons are one of the most pernicious creatures; they have no respect for your property. Raccoons will enter your house through open windows and doors. They can go through small holes; even a cockroach can't fit through!

Randall Edwards

How To Make A Compost Bin From A Plastic Dustbin

When it comes to buying something that we can easily do ourselves or locate elsewhere for less money, we all want to save money. And recycling what you already have in your house or property is one of the best ways to save money.

Randall Edwards

Where Does Garbage Go? Recycling Drop-Off Locations

Today the United States is responsible for more garbage output than any prior generation. In 2015 (the most recent year for which data is available), the United States produced over 262 million tonnes of municipal rubbish, a 4.5% increase over the previous year and a 7.8% increase over...

Randall Edwards

How Much Money Do Garbage Men Make? Hourly Wage

Despite the obvious disadvantages of trash collection (such as unpleasant odors and heavy physical work), One may identify various advantages of this work. If you pick a career in trash collection, you can expect better job stability and access to benefits than many other jobs. Even though this is a...

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